Too Faced Cosmetics

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Acetone vs. Non-Acetone

Have you ever wondered which is the best for your nails? After thinking about that for a while, I decided to do a little research and here's what I came up with:

Pros: Acetone is definitely the quickest way to remove nail polish. I also discovered that it strips the oils from your nails, which makes your base coat adhere to your nails better, resulting in longer wear for your manicure.
Cons: Because it strips your nails of its natural oils, it can be extremely drying. Acetone is also an irritant. Wikipedia has a long list of the possible long-term health effects of inhaling acetone fumes or even exposing your eyes to acetone fumes. Whenever using pure acetone, it's best to be in a highly ventilated area! I remember when I was pregnant with my children, whenever I stepped into a nail salon the fumes hit me like a ton of bricks!

Pros: Less damaging and less drying because of added conditioners, like Vitamin E. It removes nail polish just as well as pure acetone.
Cons: A little frustrating when removing glittery nail polishes (I can vouch for this!). It isn't as strong as pure acetone, so it takes more rubbing with your cotton ball!


Personally, I always use non-acetone nail polish remover, but it's whatever works best for you! If you wear nail extensions, you've probably spent time soaking them off in acetone. Be careful of the fumes, be sure to be in a ventilated area. Also, because of the drying effects of acetone, take extra care to keep your nails and cuticles properly hydrated.


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